Exploring the Self as a System


Earth Magick Copper Crowns ~ E=mc^2
Writer | Peer Mentor ~ the Telepathic Time Traveler

Exploring the Self as a System

A 3 Step Circular Process

for those with psychic abilities

A 3 Step Circular Process to Superpower Activation

This is an activity blog where I will guide you through a process I have created to explore the self as a system. Please get a pen and paper, or a journal. It’s time to explore within!

In this blog you will learn this 3 step circular process of sharpening your Super Power. This is the exact process I used to find my own superpowers (Telepathy and Time Travel), and this is the process I continue to use to advance to new levels of these skills. You see, because in the beginning of our superpowers, it’s really messy. Have you ever seen a movie or TV show where a super power activation wasn’t a cluster f*ck? I haven’t!

I have a masters in Organizational Management (which I call Spirituality in Business Terms) and I am currently studying for a PhD in Systems Science (which I call Spirituality in Scientific Terms). What does this mean for you reading this blog? Well, I’ve synthesized the key learning points from my training in the observation and diagnosis of living human systems so that you can use a systems approach to self-development, which will result in you being able to tangibly use your real-life super powers and psychic abilities.

Results are obviously based on the work you put in. I’m simply showing you a door that has worked for me.

Ready to walk through it?

Okay, let’s go!

Step 1 ~ Name your Superpower

When we experience a downfall, it’s often because we’re not examining the bad stuff in our lives. You know, that stuff we don’t like and our negative feelings around our own actions. This discomfort is actually exactly the key to naming our super power. It’s through looking at this (the stuff I don’t like about myself) that I was able to identify the thing that is my thing.

A friend along my path who is a social worker once told me something like this: “I’m really good at figuring out people and asking the questions to help them get to deeper truths. This is what I do naturally and have always done. When I started doing this as a career, I stopped doing it to my family and friends. I had been driving them nuts by picking them apart. It sounds like you just need an outlet for helping others with self-development.”

What clicked in my mind in that moment was thinking back to a class on Team Building and Process Dynamics I took in 2012 in that M.A. in Organizational Management program at Antioch University in Los Angles. The professor, Jeanne Hartley, brought us through an activity that drove in the point that there are no ‘weaknesses’ and that every weakness is simply a skill out of balance (you can check out the free activity I made that’s based on her activity here).

So, what became unquestionably clear to me then, which I hope is landing for you as well, is that the very thing we do which annoys everyone IS our Super Power.

Annoying others with our natural gifts is simply a symptom of not having the proper outlets to funnel our gifts in a way that is helpful and not harmful to others. This understanding removes the guilt and shame around annoying other people and points to solutions. We could need more education to learn how to control our gift, or this could point to a desire to be paid to use our Super Powers.

It can be hard to look at the way we are annoying other people and perhaps even hard to look at the ways we annoy ourselves, but the payoff of examining this is astronomical. We’re going to examine this together right now, so here we go! You’ve got this!

Step 1 Examination ~

Name your Superpower, Journal Prompts

  • What are the current complaints of other people? (think both verbally and non-verbally).
  • There’s a feeling you get inside yourself when you’re annoying someone, what does that feeling feel like?
  • Can you think of a time recently where that feeling was present?
    • What happened? Who seems to be annoyed with you and why?
  • Can you think of a time in the past where that feeling was present?
    • What happened? Who seems to have been annoyed with you and why?
  • Is there anything these two situations point to? Are there any themes or overlaps when you take a moment to really look at them and compare?
    • What were you trying to do in those moments?
    • Regardless of your intention, was it helpful or harmful?

Step 2 ~ Personal Gap Analysis

I will never forget the first time my professor Pat Palleschi brought us through the activity I am about to show you. This was in a class on Systems Thinking where I was first introduced to the movie “What the Bleep do We Know” and Masaru Emoto’s water frequency science. In that class, we were looking at larger living human systems like a school system or an organization. Together, you and I are going to apply this same activity to ourselves.

This activity considers one of the most important rules of time travel: We can’t get to where we’re going, if we don’t know where we are.

I find it easiest to look at how I’m not being a person I like first, then looking at who I want to be instead. But if you feel called to start with who you want to be, and then look at who you are being now, go for it!

So, thinking specifically about your Super Power, ask yourself the question in Step 2 Examination.

Step 2 Examination ~

Personal Gap Analysis, Journal Prompts


Specifically thinking about your Super Power, ask yourself the following question in in a journal.

  • Who am I being right now?
  • Who do I choose to spend my time with?
    • What do I think of these people?
  • Who do I choose to reach out to?
    • What are my reasons for reaching out to them when I do?
  • Am I possibly asking without giving?
  • What brings me joy and how often do I choose that?


We often go in and out of balance. It’s not a place you’ve never been. It’s a familiar place, you just want to be there more. Thinking about who you are and what your life is like when your superpower is in balance, journal about the following questions.

  • How does it feel when my superpower is in balance?
  • What does my life look like when I’m in balance?
  • Who am I hanging out with and what are we doing?
  • How frequently am I reaching out to others and for what reasons?

Step 3 ~ Making and Testing Hypotheses

What makes this science and not hippie dippy bullshit is what you do with the information. Science is making observations, creating hypotheses and then testing those hypotheses.

Here, in this step, we look at the gap and analyze what might be needed to close this gap.

Step 3 Examination ~

Making Hypotheses, Journal Prompts

Look at the Present State and the Future State of your superpower and write out all the possible hypotheses that you can see right now which might help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Look at what is missing. Make the largest possible list or just free-write as much as you possibly can about this.

Now, categorize the list by the following categories:

Skill Gap

  • find a course / coaching program
  • formal education
  • certificate program

Knowledge Gap

  • informational interviews
  • watching YouTube videos
  • experts on various social media platforms

Motivational Gap

  • how can I bring more(or less) fun into my life?
  • who, why, how do I want to connect with others right now?
  • connect with new or re-connect with old people?

Emotional Gap

  • how do I feel?
  • what’s my perspective on my situation?
  • do I need a paradigm shift?

Support Gap

  • how do I find support?
  • how do I ask for support?
  • what does my network of people look like?

Testing Hypotheses

Okay, now that you have your hypotheses, it’s time to test them.

Through this activity blog, you have 1) synthesized and named your Super Power! 2) completed a Personal Gap Analysis looking at where you are now and where you want to be. And 3) you’ve written out tangible steps that may or may not get you closer to where you want to be.

Now you can go on to test those hypotheses to prove or disprove if they will or will not get you closer to where you want to be. Remember, remain open to dropping the hypotheses that you disprove or that don’t feel good while you’re doing them.

These 3 steps are a circular process and will come back around at your next phase of superpower activation.

If you want to go deeper with this work, I provide 3 ways you can go deeper: attend a live workshop with others, complete an e-course on your own, or self-study.

1) Attend a live workshop with others: EXPANSION

Quarterly workshops on Exploring Yourself as a System are available for you to attend. These will be both face-to-face as well as zoom attended day-long workshops where we will dive deep into the work we just did in this activity blog. There will be breakout sessions where you can maximize your learning by sharing with others. You will get real-time feedback from me as I facilitate this workshop.

Those who complete the workshop will be given an opportunity to join a private retreat facilitated by a broad array of coaches and mentors. Once you’ve gone through both the workshop and the retreat yourself, you may be invited to be one of the facilitators at a future retreat to share your wisdom and practice your superpower.

Prerequisite: that you’ve done the work in this activity blog.


2) Complete an e-course on your own: CONTRACTION 

The Exploring Yourself as a System e-course walks you through the same process as the face-to-face workshop. This e-course is designed for those who are either not yet ready to be doing this work face-to-face with others, those who feel they have more work to do alone, or simply those who are in an internal phase of doing this work. We all go in and out of social phases. This work is life-long work, so there’s plenty time to be social when the stars align in a phase of expansion.


3) Self-Study Resources:  EXPANSION & CONTRACTION 

Suggested Booklist

Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock Potential in Yourself and Your Organization by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and The World

The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage 

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 

Thinking in Systems: Strategies for Problem Solving, Planning and Critical Thinking

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